This Week in Videogame Blogging

June 5th


Seems everyone’s sick but me, so I will be taking control of Critical Distance this weekend to bring you TWIVGB. MWUHAHAHAHAHAHA. Kirk Hamilton has been on fire recently. We don’t often link to reviews, but Kirk’s piece on L.A. Noire at Kill…

May 29th


I can’t keep putting it off – assembling the best and brightest pieces of writing, blogging, opinion and criticism of videogames from the week is not going to happen by itself. Let’s see what we’ve got here… First up this week, Michael…

May 22nd


Okay it’s that time to get this week’s most interesting bits of writing all in the same room without them causing a fight – it’s time for This Week In Videogame Blogging. At the very new blog ‘The Game Saver’ the author…

May 15th


Welcome to another exciting, informative, and hopefully entertaining instalment of This Week In Videogame Blogging. Before we swing into the usual routine, a few words about a certain blog post you may have read this week. Around about the time last week’s…

May 8th


Another week, another corralling together of the week’s best words written about videogames. It’s This Week In Videogame Blogging. Mitch Dyer and his cadre of cads at the Down Write Fierce blog has lied to us all: …every review you read on…

May 1st


Two weeks away and I feel like it’s been a month! Thanks again to our fantastic contributors Kris and Ian, who both did a fantastic job. Also, thanks to everyone sending in recommendations via twitter and email, keep ‘em coming. Let’s get…

April 24th


Welcome to another fine edition of This Week in Videogame Blogging, where we curate the most interesting articles in the critical blogosphere—or “ludodecahedron”, as some prefer to call it—for you to peruse and enjoy. Though whether this week’s edition is truly “fine”…

April 17th


Hello and welcome to another sumptuous and satisfying edition of This Week in Videogame Blogging. Ben Abraham is stepping out again this week and Eric Swain is busy with the Critical Distance podcast so it is left to me, your newcomer editor…

April 10th


Oh dear, I’d better stop daydreaming about the gig I’m about to go to and make a start to this instead. It’s This Week In Videogame Blogging and there’s no shortage of good reads to go round. And hey, Critical Distance is…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

April 3rd


Good things come to those who wait, and we’ve been waiting all week: It’s time for This Week In Videogame Blogging. Good things also seem to come in bunches. Rich Clark pens a pair of posts, the first of which, at Christ…