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February 19th

…us feel like we’ve made a contribution to a group we care about. It can also lead to damaging, dangerous practices that ruin people’s lives.”

Performatively self-aware

Relationships through gaming that connect people to broader society are examined in these pieces, which uncover no shortage of conflict and contention.

  • Gamasutra: Nick Yee’s Blog – Female Gamers Want To Kill You, Just Not With Guns Nick Yee shares some survey results. I generally find averaged figures presented along gender binary splits a bit problematic, but this data could nevertheless be a useful reference point.
  • Engineering…

This Year In Videogame Blogging: 2017

…“Strong Female Characters” | Paste Magazine – Holly Green In the light of the public allegations against Joss Whedon, Holly Green uses Horizon Zero Dawn to say that the real strong female character is about agency, valuing them on their terms, not their ability to kick ass.

Persona 5

  • Persona 5 deserved better: a translator’s take on a subpar script | Polygon – Molly Lee That title pretty much covers it. Molly Lee educates her audience about what translation is and, using a few choice examples from the game, what choices the process consists of.

August 19

…will be the first of its kind to finally show actual Nazi symbology.

What had been clear, self-explanatory and iconic became vague and required explicit explanation. We lost hours debating and pouring creative energy into possible solutions and workarounds. … We didn’t worry too much at the start, but over time the whole matter slowly started to get under our skin. No other medium has this problem. No filmmaker would need to worry about this issue. They could just show what needed to be shown, because it is portrayed in the correct, legal context. Because we were working

February 28th

…Chris Dahlen made explicit the connections that Leigh Alexander has made previously, namely that games are perhaps more like music than they are like film [dead link, no mirror exists].

Kirk Hamilton wrote about open world games in ‘When the world changes’.

Coleen Hannon at Gamers With Jobs writes of being ‘Thumbless in Seattle’, which unfortunately involves less Tom Hanks and more disabling injuries.

Lastly, here’s a cool thing and some creative criticism for you – it’s totally possible to use more than just essays to critique games. As ‘Passage in 10 seconds’ shows, you can even…

The Stanley Parable

…lays them bare, and then asks why you’re even playing it. You can’t exactly beat it, it has no easily discernible challenge, and it can diverge intentionally into what traditionally would be labelled as “bad design.”

And yet The Stanley Parable’s hammy omniscient narrator and firm grasp of videogame vernacular ultimately granted it mainstream appeal. Released in 2013, The Stanley Parable was widely covered in reviews and critical features as well as YouTube walkthroughs and let’s plays. The most iconic moment in the game comes early on, where the player, as Stanley, comes upon a pair of doors…

June 16th

…& Presentation | RE:BIND Catherine Brinegar muses on the value of brevity in preserving the poignancy of smaller, intimate game experiences.

“Many are put off by these shorter-form games, especially in the mainstream, but I think it’s a trend well worth embracing. Not necessarily for a desire to have time to play more games or experience and go through different things quickly, but for the reason that a tightly-edited film moving at a quick pace can feel like a relief as opposed to a bloated, 3-hour epic: editing to your strengths, and keeping just the most important…

February 2020

…a follow-up video, explaining the limitations of this method of creating AI, why it isn’t particularly useful for game designers yet, and why this shouldn’t, actually, be anxiety-inducing. (Manual captions)

Okay that’s all for February. See you next month, probably. Take care.

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July 26th

…respectively, in the age of pandemic.

  • Paper Mario: The Origami King Is Unambitious, Problematic Fun | Paste Waverly finds Origami King to be cute, charming, and colonially troubling.
  • Finding Meaning in Absurdity in Hardspace: Shipbreaker | Fanbyte Ren makes a little bit of room to troll space capitalism in Hardspace: Shipbreaker.
  • Ghost of Tsushima, Kurosawa, and the political myth of the samurai | Polygon Kazuma Hashimoto scrutinizes Ghost of Tsushima as a surface-level aping of Kurosawa’s cinematic language without a proper appreciation for the themes of his art, resulting in a sleek product that inadvertently plays right…
  • April 9th

    …intra-communal value.

    “I could sit here and try and persuade you of the ways in which ‘theme park design’ is a novel artform. But to some extent, the real beauty of this kind of work is that it doesn’t have an external audience. The visual arts, literature, film—people who don’t do them, still appreciate. Nobody else cares about RollerCoaster Tycoon, except the people who care about RollerCoaster Tycoon. There is a particularly pure joy to be found in such holistically creative collectives.”


    Prey is officially, canonically recent until I can finally find the

    January 14th

    …Review: A Fantastic Platformer That Doesn’t Stick the Landing | Inverse Robin Bea finds strong ingredients but an uneven mix in the latest Prince of Persia.

  • Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown is pure Metroidvania bliss | Polygon Maddy Myers is enthusiastic about Lost Crown‘s fresh and even slightly subversive approach to the PoP format.
  • “Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown may seem like a bit of a strange digression in the long-running series, especially considering the Sands of Time remake that’s been delayed and rebooted and remains an unknown quantity. But it’s a fantastic Metroidvania…