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February 9th

Friends and strangers, within this post lies a treasure waiting only for you. A piece of your soul you never knew was missing, kept and stored unknowingly within the heart of another for all their life, only to be freed suddenly, to be shared with the world and to find its way to you now, to finally come home. By the end of today your spirit will be a little bit more complete.

I’m Stephen Beirne, and it’s This Week in Videogame Blogging.

Culture and Industry

Given the occasion of BioShock Infinite’s Burial At Sea DLC,

August 31st

…of discussion elsewhere, mainly on the subject of the sustained harassment against her.

At The New Statesman, Ian Steadman takes a couple cues from Sarkeesian’s own videos to provide an excellent breakdown in the logical fallacies used to “debunk” and derail the criticisms present in the video series.

While not referencing Sarkeesian specifically, this post by former GameSpot critic Carolyn Petit does a good job at countering the argument that games are beyond cultural criticism:

Games are not politically neutral. Neither are mainstream romantic comedies, or action films, or any novel I’ve ever read. They may

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

October 25th

…But the fact that some games have trans-friendly character creation goes a long way. I don’t need sweeping plotlines about my [original character]’s gender—I’m happy with just some basic representation. A game that doesn’t assume my character fits neatly into the gender binary, a character creation screen that gives me the option not to buy into that. If I want to conform to the gender binary, let it be on my own terms.

I suspect that Alex Layne of the equally-excellent Not Your Mama’s Gamer would agree, based on her own call for more complicated and comprehensive representation…

July 28th

…where you are wanted. You are loved. You are enough.”

Sober Second Thoughts

The five articles gathered here are longer, more meditative examinations of their object games, most of which themselves are quite a bit older but have all been available for at least a month. These perspectives, some quite contrary to the popular discourse, are the kind that can only really be achieved with a bit of time and distance, and I love them for that.

  • That forbidden word: “F-U-N” – Kimimi The Game-Eating She-Monster Kimimi warns against invalidating the value of fun in…

December 15th

…just how much proprietary hardware is tied up in keeping old games alive and accessible. Things only get more difficult when the copyright holders are themselves the chief impediment to any preservation that doesn’t directly contribute to their bottom line. But also, what about demos? Shareware? I haven’t seen a whole lot of writing on that. Two authors this week engage with both of these angles respectively.

  • VIDEOPULP: CONSUMER DEATH MACHINE | RE:BIND Catherine Brinegar contemplates game preservation at the intersection of an anti-bootleg publicity stunt by Nintendo from the 90s and an artgame which documents and situates

July 5th

…repugnance is mainstream) has hit not necessarily a new low in abhorrence (if only because there are so many other literal crimes to choose from) but perhaps a new low in sheer stupidity. Threatening a voice actor in the most vulgar manner possible for, *checks notes*, the fictional actions of the fictional character she played?

And yeah, I know this one’s getting press because it’s a big name attached to a very big game. Lots of more vulnerable creatives get dragged through the mud and worse by Gamers on the daily without making the headlines.

So to the…

December 20th

…whims of strangers who do not care about you is not a flowery metaphor or allegory, it’s not a neat bit of storytelling. It’s not game designers going “hey let’s make our next game protagonist a character who was classically an NPC type in older games.” They’re drawing from experience in their own lives.”

It’s Party Time

2020 didn’t give us a lot of gifts, frankly, but Blaseball was definitely one of them. Check out two cool critiques here investigating the game’s design workings, its participatory culture, and more.

  • Blaseball’s Absurdity Mirrors Our Current Times…

Aaron Trammell | Keywords in Play, Episode 12

…who has been cultivated to think through games and play only through the lens of pleasure, and only through the lens of leisure, is legitimately having something taken from them. And no, I’m not going to back their opinion. But I do think it’s important to understand, right, like, that experience of having one’s worldview fundamentally undermined by another thing in the world is an upsetting and really distressing thing. And so, you know, for a lot of people who had been socialized within this dialog, this colonial project, that games are pleasurable that we ought to play games because…

January 8th

…Now, people still draw memes from the first game and not so much the second.”

Family Computer

These next two selections draw upon legacies of family, both good and not-so-good.

  • The Dreamcast and Hypersensitivity: A Neurodivergent Christmas | Sidequest Michelle Caldeira reminisces on her association of the Sega Dreamcast with Christmas time (honestly same).
  • Asian Enough | Into The Spine Tessa Kaur reflects on the fraught family dynamics at play in Life Is Strange: True Colors.

“Alex’s mother, dying in her hospital bed, told her not to cry and to take…

May 21st

…of the anti-farm sim: “Before the Green Moon” by turnfollow | Radiator Blog Robert Yang plays a GameCube-style farming sim with a few extra knife twists from the polycrisis era.

“In the end you were basically just another tourist. You didn’t really have to live there, after all.”

Bit Crush

Let’s dip backwards now into games of a fondly remembered–or sometimes misremembered or even unremembered–time and place.

  • The Firemen: Hot stuff | Kimimi The Game-Eating She-Monster Kimimi plays a categorically unique SNES game about guys being dudes. . . dudes who fight…