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Assassin’s Creed II

…city of Florence to the Los Angeles of Baudrillard. For Baudrillard, Disneyland sets up the convenient fiction that there is a “real” America outside of its fantasy world. But Los Angeles is itself “hyperreal”, an empire of simulated authenticity. By analogy, Dow replaces Baudrillard’s Disneyland/Los Angeles pair with AC2/Florence: AC2 is a fiction of hyper-real “historic Florence”, the tourist destination. Furthermore, AC2’s “game-within-a-game” structure helps highlight this relationship between the simulated and the hyperreal: because the player is playing the virtual memory of a character (Desmond), she can address her encounter with historical Florence as a simulation.

The Italian…

May 21st

…high-tech fabulism. It gave my short stay in Cuba, already stripped of free time, time to think, time to relax, a sense of almost magic realism.

Visual ambition

Finally, these three pieces offer some insights into the visuality of games, with some tips on how to build visual literacy skills.

  • my friend pokey — Output Lag Pokey talks about the material and semiotic significance of flatgames
  • ‘Final Fantasy XV’ Is Surprisingly Good at Teaching Photography – Waypoint Dia Lacina shares some very helpful tips for learning about visual composition, reflecting on Prompto’s hit-and-miss efforts.

January 8th

also brought us the usual onslaught of “best-of-the year” lists; such lists traditionally are light on both criticism and distance, and perhaps the following is no exception, but Kotaku’s Kirk Hamilton compiled a list of “All of the Best Video Game Music of 2011” that made me smile more often than any of the rest of the links here. Excellent music to TWIVGB by!

The piece that I’ve seen linked to the most this week is Chris Dahlen’s post at Save the Robot on Dark Souls as a “Great Big Puzzle Box“. Yes, the game is difficult, yes that’s…

October 27th

…Sex? That second one comes close, but manages not to fall into any pitfalls.


Those? Oh sorry. I haven’t gotten around to reshelving them yet. Sure you can have a look.

L. Rhodes at Polygon says sequels are sometimes good for gamers. He also wrote about how copyright law pertains to Super Mario Brothers and video games in general for Medium.

Jason Johnson wrote an interesting look inside the “failed” utopian New Games Movement.

And Mitch Dyer wrote on the all too depressing and all too real question of ‘how long can video games…

May 23rd

…authors, each going long, situate their subjects in industry history, looking alternately at social play and violence in games.

  • The Ratings Game, Part 4: E3 and Beyond | The Digital Antiquarian Jimmy Maher looks into the history of studying (and litigating) violence in videogames, coming away at last with a conclusion that methodological problems continue to prevent a satisfying proof of causality between violent games and violent real-world actions.
  • 1990: LambdaMOO | 50 Years of Text Games Aaron A. Reed chronicles the transition from MUDs to MOOs, from dungeons to worlds, along with the sociological and ethical

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

October 21st

…‘playing to win’ and ‘being playful’, what does the latter mean? Are those who play in alignment with the goals intended by developers playing any more ‘truly’ than others, or is their alignment of goals merely incidental?

Robert Yang finds the game’s tutorial lazy and disruptive. Meanwhile, Becky Chambers does a deep read on Dishonored‘s portrayal of women.


Apart from recent game releases, this week’s major discussion trends seemed to revolve around this article by non-gamer Lucy Kellaway, writing on her (rather critical) impressions as part of the GameCity prize judging panel.

This Year in Videogame Blogging: 2021

…Games and Our Queer Future | Sharang Biswas identifies a real need and value for hopeful queer escapisms and utopias alongside stories that capture queer adversity and struggle, in games and in all media.

  • How India’s shifting political climate is influencing local game development | Khee Hoon Chan talks to Indian developers about the tensions of making historical and political games in a social and political climate of rising right-wing populism.
  • Game Studies – Observant Play: Colonial Ideology in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Rachael Hutchinson documents what The Legend of Zelda: Breath…
  • Esther Wright | Keywords in Play, Episode 18

    …studying different kinds of paratextual material is so important to the way that we understand, and in the way that we think about historical digital games and the kinds of arguments that they are making about the past. So, I did that really through looking at different kinds of official communication. So, a range of different paratextual promotional materials that were created and published by Rockstar and communicated then through their official channels. So, through the sort of official Rockstar website, and the kind of Newswire, somewhat sort of almost bulletin board, I guess, section of the, the Rockstar website,…

    September 14th

    We Critique Because We Love

    At Pop Matters, Jorge Albor writes about living, embodied folklore in Year Walk.

    Robert Rath takes to The Escapist to explain what Destiny can teach us about terraforming a planet like, say, Mars.

    Shira Chess writes about moral panics, Slender Man and the “Tulpa Effect” at Culture Digitally.

    And Now, Foreign Correspondent Joe Köller Has The Floor

    Forgive my long absence friends, but I made the grievous mistake of sorting my schedule alphabetically, so I had to address academia and beach reading before being able to return to correspondence.

    Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

    August 2016: ‘Bugs’

    …about bug pokemon or you’re unfortunately named best friend Bug who introduced you to Let’s Plays than bugs as glitches. That’s perfectly fine!

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