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August-September Roundup: Oceans

…Hancock looks most deeply at Final Fantasy VI, in which the hero Celes is stranded on an island with her sick grandfather and their waning hope.

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Simon MN

Denouement in Video Games

On the subject of being stranded: Simon MN takes to his personal blog to describe The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening as perhaps Link’s most personal journey to save the world. As committed as Link is to escaping the island, there is a sense of permanence and peace there as well:

In the gallery of Koholint, three items stand the

August 18th

  • Queer Cooperation | Unwinnable Jeremy Signor describes how MMORPGs in general and Final Fantasy XIV in particular are so well-equipped for fostering and supporting queer communities.
  • Off the Grid: Ghost Trick – Haywire Magazine Allison Winters picks up an offbeat DS gem all about communication, along with some allegorical connections to identity.
  • Gamasutra: Victoria Tran’s Blog – Designing Communities for Kindness Victoria Tran discusses the role of a community design, as well as some basic principles for the establishment and maintenance of a positive and accommodating player community.
  • “To be clear here, kind community

    October 17th

    …the screen are fine and the people making jokes and enjoying cockfighting Tekken are in on the joke and aren’t running their own operations in real life.”

    Hello World

    In a bookend to our opening section this week, here are three critical intersections between game places and material spaces.

    • Who Firewatches the Firewatchers? | Caroline Delbert delves into the history and infrastructure which inform Firewatch and chats with a friend who took up the task in real life after playing the game.
    • The Collector in Spiritfarer | Play the Past Alvina Lai considers…

    February 5th

    …core critical challenge of the endeavour, whether it’s a prestige television adaptation of a videogame already itself obsessed with its own relationship to cinema, or a remake that seeks to close a four-decade gap with its own source work.

    • The Last Of Us Episode 3 Recap: The Ballad Of Bill And Frank | Kotaku Carolyn Petit documents how an adaptation is perhaps at its best when it does what the original could not.
    • Colossal Cave (2023) | Zarf Updates Andrew Plotkin comes away satisfied with Colossal Cave‘s success as an adaptation.
    • Colossal Cave Review – A

    February 11th

    …picture of flowers make you see games differently? | Eurogamer Jay Castello talks to collective Total Refusal about counterplay and the absurdities of game worlds.

    “A woman in Red Dead Redemption 2 sweeps the same area over and over again, not making any impact on how dirty it is. The city walkers in Operation Jane Walk run into enemies, and the tour guide casually says, “We have to defend ourselves, sorry,” as the camera cuts from the violence but the gunfire is loud and clear. In one of the simplest but most effective Total Refusal pieces, three…

    June 26th

    …personal. It’s too casual. Too many writers inserting too much of themselves in ways that nobody in their right minds cares about. Too many armchair journalists speaking as though their word is gospel. Really, think about that. Armchair journalism has become the standard. Kids on forums actually now truly believe that their opinions are hyper-relevant, because after all, they can write just as convincingly as your average blogger. They’re not really wrong!

    Although I confess to skimming parts of the lengthy manifesto, enduring TWIVGB favourite Leigh Alexander’s contribution (Chapter 7) is also well worth a read.


    December 2nd

    …involve you, a real person?


    Saul Alexander has a great interview with Obsidian’s Chris Avellone up at Gamasutra.

    Meanwhile, at Flash of Steel, Troy Goodfellow suggests that Molyneux is out of touch with developments in his own field of expertise.

    In the wake of the Rab Florence Affair (or Doritos-gate, if you prefer), Florence has ventured to tumblr to pursue a less regulated platform for his strongly-worded criticisms. On the chopping block this week: Kickstarter, or rather the industry veterans who are increasingly turning to it to fund their games.

    [T]hese capitalist…

    April 3rd

    always, if you like what we do here you can subscribe to our Patreon and send in recommendations for pieces to include. I’m so grateful for your support.


    This week an archaeologist takes us all the way back to the beginning of human history, and games critics look at the early years of game design history and the golden age of conceptual art.

    • Let’s Play: Far Cry Primal Ep.1: An “Archaeological” Exploration (Video: auto-captions only) Philip Riris begins a series of Let’s Plays of Far Cry Primal in which he comments on the game’s portrayal

    November 6th

    …a timely look back at a Famicom game representing the American political system.

    “Even when surprises present themselves, like current events changing public opinion or political factions calling you and promising to donate to your campaign if you support their cause, they never threaten to disrupt the system, as it’s built to accommodate them. All in all, you get the feeling that whatever thoughts the developers may have for this specific campaign […] they believe the larger system works […]”

    Mafia III

    Much of the critical writing with a historical bent this week has

    July 16th

    …this points to is a perspective from which to ask what else is happening in terms of videogame development that will always allude quantitive work. And not just ‘over there’ beyond ‘the videogame industry’. As Push Me Pull You shows, these actors and practices are intimately connected with what constitutes the contemporary, regional videogame industry in this real messy tangle.”


    Looking at boundaries between the technical and the natural, these three pieces of writing suggest that we treat things that seem like mere technicalities as important parts of creative expression.

    • The Paratext of Video…