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August 13th

…that they have already translated.

  • The Computer Games Journal – Special Issue on Accessibility in Gaming Call for Papers The Computer Games Journal is a Springer academic journal that is doing a special issue in early 2018. Guest Editor Micheal Heron is putting out the call for papers and announcing they are relaxing the scope of the journal to include accessibility in all games not just computer games.
  • July Roundup: Denouement The latest edition of Blogs of the Round Table has come out.
  • August-September 2017: Oceans And the launching of the topic for the next edition has…
  • September 17th

    …it remixes these elements to the point of emptiness, where all we’re left with is the fact of remixing. It’s a performance of tropes divorced of any context and undertaken for its own sake.”

    Inconsistent information

    In discourse about discourse this week, Kotaku published two pieces on historical shifts in how factual information on games is collated and managed.

    • The Story Behind The Home Of Forgotten Video Games | Kotaku Alex Walker interviews Sarinee Achavanuntakul who in 1998 founded Home of the Underdogs, a site that made old games no longer stocked by publishers accessible…

    February 20th

    …game’s challenges – but only once they’ve earned it. as in all consensual masochism, though, there is the everpresent issue of trust.

    M. Suliman newly of the blog Mending the Wall, formerly of Bergsonian Critique, wrote this week about ‘The Two Voices of Isaac Clarke’ [mirror]:

    when Visceral Games decided to give the mechanical engineer Isaac Clarke a voice in Dead Space 2, who has remained practically mute in the original Dead Space, they also had to give him a new personality to go along with it. Because, as it turns out, it is inevitably difficult…

    01: Subjectivity

    Every so often, a topic comes along which invites a higher level of discussion from the many bloggers, vloggers, critics, scholars and thinkers surrounding games. In our newest feature, Critical Discourse, we tackle one of these enduring topics and invite several writers into direct conversation with each other, to tease out even further insights and perspectives.

    With that in mind, our inaugural topic for Critical Discourse is subjectivity. Stephanie Jennings starts the conversation with her essay, “Why We Need More Subjective Games Criticism,” Iris Bull chimes in with a short poem about games and subjectivity called “you” and

    August 7th

    …about art, commerce, and cultural production.

  • Reverie and The Poetry of Process — Deorbital (Spoilers for Reverie) Aleks Samoylov has written up an in-depth examination of the relationships between labor and surrealism that are evoked by this “dream job simulator”.
  • “Reverie is, in a sense, a multifaceted exploration of the conflict between expectations and reality, the tension between what a “dream” (in the broadest sense of the word) should be and what it actually is.”

    Thanks so much for being a reader of Critical Distance. We are a community-supported organisation, and we are always

    December 17th

    …Identical products

    In other discussions of genre, three critics reconsider common AAA game design conventions.

    • DayZ – Tragedy of the Commons: The Game – Extra Credits – YouTube (video: auto-captions) The latest Extra Credits reads high-octane action as an almost mythic tragedy, with clear implications for the times we live in today.
    • “Destiny 2 Finds Its Beauty in Numbers,” by Reid McCarter – Bullet Points Monthly Reid McCarter waxes lyrical about the artistic sins of loot games.
    • The debate over microtransactions isn’t really about money at all | ZAM – The Largest Collection of Online

    May 2nd

    “Fighting to make sure every child has access to any sport they would want to play no matter their gender, race, class or sexuality is a crucial battle that has only become more urgent in recent months. Understanding that battle means lauding women who play baseball and football in America in spite of the enormous barriers to entry for them is an easy win, if you’re a generally progressive-minded person (and, for all but the most red-pilled, if you’re not).”

    Social Spaces

    Next, we continue the social theme, but with a stronger focus on the virtual

    Ten Years of Penny Arcade

    …the dreaded dial-up, but the slur of ‘camping’ persisted well beyond its actual meaning. Before Warcraft III had even been out for a month online play already resembled “burly men raping you”. At first the comic only made a few stray gags about Everquest, but eventually World of Warcraft would change all that. There are over a dozen comics about that game, so I’ll just post this one about couples playing together to give the gist of their take on it.

    Their lampooning of the console wars both back in the early days and this generation are all on…

    Stephanie Harkin | Keywords in Play, Episode 29

    …but mostly fictional, thinking about their own girlhood. They’re personal, they’re a little bit more intimate in that sense. One of them is free as well, so these aren’t commercial games necessarily. But it’s shifting between representation to self-representation, from both the developers’ perspectives, thematically the two girls in this final chapter are cultural producers expressing themselves through their desktop and their online websites. And then the player too can also contribute and part of the actual gameplay is creating those websites or writing fanfictions or dressing up dolls. So, the creators – sorry the players, can also play around…

    June 12th

    …characters can allow writing to complicate tropes rather than simply avoiding them.

    “In her essay “The Uses of Anger”, Audre Lorde describes anger a “a source of empowerment we must not fear to tap for energy rather than guilt.” Rage is a means of survival, and should be as acceptable an emotion joy or fear. These three women all use their rage as both survival and grief. Because of niggling ideas that Latinas and Black women are always angry, always strong and emotionally bulletproof, our anger is diminished and dismissed. But the truth is that our anger…