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Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

July 30th

…Look at the Eichenwalde Map in Overwatch Heather Alexandra examines a controversial map with a reputation for being unfair, closely reading its spaces with reference to developer commentary.

“Befitting the mood of a final frantic push towards victory, the last segment of map takes place within the dark confines of Eichenwalde Castle. It tosses the battle into an extended sequence of close quarters combat in a dark, gloomy space. Ceilings are lower, side paths more winding, and the defending team’s spawn point deposits them almost directly onto the final capture point. Eichenwalde becomes more hostile in visual

November 5th


  • The New Resistance | Splendors Vendor However, Ashley Yawns thinks that the new Wolfenstein game does little to shift the narrative beyond the last iteration, and as a result is unable to engage critically with the reality that has been revealed by the resurgence of the far right.
  • Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus: The Kotaku Review Heather Alexandra states that a great deal has been achieved within one package in this game that somehow straddles both the demand for entertainment and the moral necessity for a clear message – despite Bethesda’s insistence that is has only done…
  • January 21st

    This week, a number of games critics looked at the agencies and capacities of female characters, and examined stories that center women. We’ve also got some discussions of cops and hackers, and puppets!


    Reforms to a character’s abilities and the launch of a new esports league has brought Overwatch back into focus for some writers this week.

    • An Overwatch Women’s League isn’t the answer – Polygon Ashley Oh summarises and refutes some of the reasons that have been given in attempts to explain away the lack of women being included in Overwatch League teams.

    September 22nd

    …upon a novel idea: how about actually asking military servicewomen what they think of depictions of servicewomen in games?

    Maybe It’s A Generational Thing

    Damn kids on lawns, etc. On her professional blog, Hamlet on the Holodeck‘s Janet Murray shares her DiGRA 2013 keynote slides on the state of game studies.

    Elsewhere, responses keep trickling in to Eric Zimmerman’s Manifesto for a Ludic Century. Zimmerman has collated many of the responses himself, and attempts to lend a little stronger context to it. Meanwhile, over on Kill Screen, Abe Stein takes issue with Zimmerman’s manifesto as attending largely…

    October 27th

    …Sex? That second one comes close, but manages not to fall into any pitfalls.


    Those? Oh sorry. I haven’t gotten around to reshelving them yet. Sure you can have a look.

    L. Rhodes at Polygon says sequels are sometimes good for gamers. He also wrote about how copyright law pertains to Super Mario Brothers and video games in general for Medium.

    Jason Johnson wrote an interesting look inside the “failed” utopian New Games Movement.

    And Mitch Dyer wrote on the all too depressing and all too real question of ‘how long can video games…

    This Year In Videogame Blogging: 2013

    Here we are at the end of 2013, on the cusp of a new year, we at Critical Distance look back at all of the great criticism of the year. We trudged through the 1265 links we featured in the 2013 entries of TWIVGB and then checked the additional 50 recommendations you, the readers, submitted for consideration. From all of that we did our best to whittle a curatorial list of the most memorable, most important and most representative critical pieces of year. Critical Distance is proud to present the 2013 edition of This Year in Video Game Blogging.

    February 7th

    …Oral History

  • Gamasutra – Considering Street Fighter II’s legacy on its 25th anniversary
  • Psychology

    In The New Inquiry, Alfie Brown discusses the position of mobile games in relation to labour, arguing that rather than being counterproductive uses of workers’ time, they are designed to maximise compliance. Over on Medium, Alex Fleetwood discusses the difficulty parents have deciding how much digital distraction their children should be allowed, and offers his mixed digital-physical project Fantastic Beasts as an alternative for parents who feel alienated by screen-based play.

    • Seconds of Pleasure
    • What parents need to know…

    May 22nd

    …a way of letting someone try on a different kind of walk for a while.

    Shambling behind

    Challenging our sense that history is a constant march towards progress, two pieces show how fragile and contingent any movement forward really is.

    • Final Fantasy XV is a Step Backwards | Amanda Jean argues that Final Fantasy XV‘s demos point to a socially regressive narrative in which the few women who appear are objects of desire and the men are offered little escape from toxic masculinity.
    • What Happened to All the Black Games? | Mammon Machine: ZEAL

    November 20th

    …capricious audience, could almost be excused for repairing to fantasy worlds. […] One worries that game-makers have gotten so used to focusing on superheroes instead of heroes, imagination instead of fact, that it has destroyed their ability to work with even the most readily printable material.

    Models of the world

    In the quote above, Ed Smith leans heavily on an interest in history as matters of fact, but often we’re still concerned with how history is portrayed even if it’s in a fictional context. There is some material in the pieces below for significantly rethinking how games…

    July 9th

    …to an overreliance on literalism.

    “[…] these aren’t really stories about people with psychoses. In these games, psychosis is a vehicle to turn trauma into melodrama, and to imprint all these wounds onto a literal physical landscape. There are parts of the emotional tenor of save the animals that feel honest, but the frame is all wrong. The game of mapping individual mental phenomenon to lived events, 1:1, is doomed.”


    Waypoint brings us some writing on game narrative placed into inventive new contexts.

    • Narrative Speedruns Are Just More Fun – Waypoint…