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August-September 2014: ‘Catharsis’

…of the Round Table is not curated. If you write it, we’ll publish it, as long as it’s connected to the topic and has been written specially for BoRT or up to one month prior.

  • This BoRT post is the home of the discussion: as I receive new submission blogs, I’ll update the ‘BoRT Linkomatic’ so new blogs are reflected on this page immediately. We’ll also use the @critdistance Twitter account to post regular updates, so follow us!
  • Your duty as a knight of the round table is to leave a comment on a blog to which you…
  • Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

    Episode 20 – The Founderhead

    Our regular podcast host Mattie Brice needs a bit of extra time for her latest interview, so we’ve dug into our archives again for yet another heretofore unheard Critical Distance Confab episode. In this installment, Eric Swain interviews our very own founder and former head curator Ben Abraham.

    Part of the original games blogger boom in 2007-2008, Ben Abraham has always found himself focused on the community of critics. It led him to try and bridge many of those working unknown and segregated by the internet’s distance to eventually founding a curation site (this one!) to bring all

    August – September Roundup: ‘Catharsis’

    …success in a multiplayer match of The Last of Us can help him negotiate difficult social situations or how failure in a game can be profoundly frustrating.

    I find it helpful that there is always an opportunity for me to interact with other people without the need to engage with them intellectually or emotionally. I go through semi-regular periods of withdrawal, where it’s just best for me to lock myself in a dark room and get on with whatever needs getting on with, but it’s important to not completely detach yourself from the world.

    It’s a…

    October 2014: ‘Masks’

    …blogs until October 31st. You can see current submissions here:

    Use this code to embed the links in your blog, if your publishing platform allows iframes:

    <iframe type=”text/html” width=”600″ height=”20″ src=”″ frameborder=”0″></iframe>

    Please email us your submissions or tweet them to @markfilipowich or @critdistance with the #BoRT hashtag. Happy blogging!

    Rules of the Round Table

    • Blogs of the Round Table is not curated. If you write it, we’ll publish it, as long as it’s connected to the topic and has been written specially for BoRT or up to one month prior.

    October Roundup: ‘Masks’

    …blog by copy-pasting the following code to your blog:

    <iframe type=”text/html” width=”600″ height=”20″ src=”″ frameborder=”0″></iframe>

    On a more personal note, I wanted to say that it’s been a pleasure managing this month’s Roundtable. I’ve always enjoyed the BoRT feature as a reader and as an occasional participant. BoRT was how I was first introduced to Critical Distance and it was how I got to know most of the games writing that was out there, so I can’t tell you what a joy and honour it is to be on the other side of the curtain now.


    November 2014: ‘Home Sweet Home’

    …platform allows iframes:

    <iframe type=”text/html” width=”600″ height=”20″ src=”″ frameborder=”0″></iframe>

    Please email us your submissions or tweet them to @TheJoycean or @critdistance with the #BoRT hashtag. Happy blogging!

    Rules of the Round Table

    • Blogs of the Round Table is not curated. If you write it, we’ll publish it, as long as it’s connected to the topic and has been written specially for BoRT or up to one month prior.
    • This BoRT post is the home of the discussion: as I receive new submission blogs, I’ll update the ‘BoRT Linkomatic’ so new blogs are reflected on

    Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

    November Roundup: ‘Home Sweet Home’

    I realize that, in the gas station, it stopped being me vs. her, and it stopped being “we.” In the gas station, it had become “I.” I had staked a claim on the gas station. I’d survived here for 10 days. I’d endured the boredom, the tedium, and the long dark. I’d become the survivor.

    I want to thank everyone who participated in this month’s theme, and I encourage you to add the Linkomatic 5000 to your blog by copy-pasting the following code to your blog:

    <iframe type=”text/html” width=”600″ height=”20″ src=”″ frameborder=”0″></iframe>

    It’s been a…

    Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

    December 2014: ‘New Game+’


    Rules of the Round Table

    • Blogs of the Round Table is not curated. If you write it, we’ll publish it, as long as it’s connected to the topic and has been written specially for BoRT or up to one month prior.
    • This BoRT post is the home of the discussion: as I receive new submission blogs, we’ll update the ‘BoRT Linkomatic’ so new blogs are reflected on this page immediately. We’ll also use the @critdistance Twitter account to post regular updates, so follow us!
    • Your duty as a knight of the round table is…

    Episode 21 – Actually, It’s About…2014

    It’s that time again, the end of the year is upon us. Rather than exhaustively go over everything of note that happened in 2014, instead we more skim over several various broad topics of interest. 2014 hasn’t been a pleasant year overall, but in the spirit of gladder tidings we decided to focus as much as we can on better things.

    Direct Download


    Eric Swain: The Game Critique

    Kris Ligman: Dire Critic

    Alan Williamson: Five out of Ten

    Lana Polansky: Sufficiently Human


    Flappy Bird is Making $50,000

    December Roundup: ‘New Game+’

    …troubling decision. Harrison admires the game for forcing players to examine their decisions without an easy option like New Game+ to find alternative paths:

    I’m glad The New Order contains this little ‘fuck you’ to its players if I’m being honest. “‘If you want to play the game again’ I hear it say ‘then be my guest, but bugger me if you’re doing it in an attempt to nurse your own personal guilt or re-imagine my already re-imagined history: that isn’t the way this works.’ Life is too short to worry about the way you did things in