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April 5th

Welcome back, readers. Hope everyone’s keeping safe. I’m currently a third (?) of the way to the supermassive black hole at the centre of our galaxy, but I can definitely still feel the four walls of my apartment pressing against me.

We’re debuting a new feature later this week! Stay tuned for more, but if you find yourself craving an auditory fix in this time of isolation, good news is on the way.

Additionally, we don’t usually push this too hard in the introductions, but Critical Distance is funded entirely through the support of our readers. If

April 26th

…The modders creating accessibility modes for notoriously difficult games | Rock Paper Shotgun Jay Castello talks to players and modders making games more accommodating to more players.

  • How video games consistently fail Gandhi | Rock Paper Shotgun Nikhil Murthy discusses how Gandhi’s representation in games, particularly strategy games, is fundamentally at odds with his political philosophies and ideologies.
  • How to Grow Animal Crossing Flowers | Popular Mechanics Caroline Delbert goes deep on the botany mechanics in New Horizons.
  • “The way these flowers are programmed certainly doesn’t bear much resemblance to real life. But in a…

    November Roundup: Collapse

    …Doki Literature Club. Content Warnings: Mental Health, Depression, Compulsion, Self-Harm, and Suicide.

    Lastly, I close this month out by discussing Doki Doki Literature Club, and how its characters’ struggles reflect the difficulties faced in everyday life, and how precarious the balance is between healthy productivity and a tragic end to doing and being is.

    Read it now

    Alas, it is time to say “That’s all” to another roundup. I hope that you found rest in another fantastic month of Blogs of the Round Table.

    And, as always, we’re constantly eager to share more games criticism…

    May 10th

    …the enduring longevity not only of particular games, but particular fandoms, or even singular ideas within those fandoms.

    • Why Do We Keep Going Back to Old Games? – Austin’s Internet Zone Austin investigates what keeps fandoms, and especially modding communities, alive, kicking, and labouring, sometimes after decades, even when the parent companies of those IPs are hostile to fan works.
    • Grinding The Gears – Half Life’s Adrian Shephard | RE:BIND Emily Rose examines the Half-Life fandom’s fascination with continuously re-litigating the traumas of one of the series’ tritagonist.

    “This obsessive need to leave no

    May 2020

    …or hollow symbolic gestures without instituting any meaningful structural change. This is a truth we must remember regardless of where we live, regardless of whether police brutality and racism are clearly visible around us or more insidiously tucked away.

    Hopefully I’ll have more to share on the matter in June’s roundup. In the meantime, do watch Renegade Cut’s critical look at policing in Disco Elysium, from April. Reread Marina Watanabe’s essay from December about how people of colour are pushed out of critical video spaces. And if you can, consider donating to/checking out the following links (as compiled by…

    Metroid’s Samus Aran

    …isolated from: other people.

    Samus Is Shrinking

    Since her debut — almost unanimously described as a “breakthrough” — Samus has unfortunately been at the mercy of clueless developers. She has been quite literally diminished. Samus, who was once 6’3″ and 198 pounds, is now visibly shorter than the male characters in her games. In “Samus Is Slowly Shrinking,” written in 2010, Amanda Lange presents a detailed history of how Samus’ creators have brought her in line with stereotypically feminine characteristics. While she, like many others, criticizes Other M, she observes that Other M is not solely to blame….

    June 2020

    …laws have come into effect and irrevocably curtailed the freedom of its citizens, a third of Bangladesh is currently under water, and globally there are almost twice as many (~15 million) recorded covid-19 cases as there were a month ago (~8.5 million). I can only imagine what next month will look like.

    Also, despite the continual slipping from view of the many ongoing Black Lives Matter protests, apparently the US now has a gestapo? Anyway:

    • Donate to The Bail Project
    • Donate to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund
    • Hire Black Game Developers

    August 16th

    …Thoughts About A Website With A Fake Japanese Name | Natalie Degraffinried Natalie Degraffinried names the patterns of systemic–not just managerial–racist and sexist abuse at Kotaku specifically and games press generally that routinely push marginalized writers and editors out of these spaces and obstruct meaningful change.

  • Games Journalists Shun Adult Games. We Must Fix That | Daily Dot Ana Valens shares some actionable ideas for how games press can do a better job covering porn games.
  • Learning How to Share | Unwinnable Yussef Cole and Vivian Chan explicate the sometimes-fuzzy boundary between author and editor, the need for…
  • July 2020

    …the best vods of videogame criticism from the previous calendar month.


    The Ugly-good, the Ugly-bad and the Dissonance

    Why do some games pedal in off-putting. gritty and gruesome visuals, sounds and stories? These four video-makers have some ideas.

    • Max Payne, Kane & Lynch, and the Meaning of Ugly Games – Jacob Geller (27:02)

      Jacob Geller considers Antonin Artaud’s ‘theatre of cruelty’ to ponder what validates the use of ‘ugliness’ in certain shooting games. (Manual captions) [Content: visuals of digital violence] [Contains embedded advertising]

    • The Intense Soundtrack of Hotline Miami – PostMesmeric (14:31)

    September 6th

    …the technology silently working behind the screen. Flight Simulator wouldn’t be a different game without them; “it” wouldn’t exist at all. So these Microsoft services aren’t just what makes the game possible; they are, to some degree, the game itself. This cuts to the intractable, ontological question of what a video game is, what can really be called a “part” of it, and where the game properly begins and ends. Is it simply the dynamic between a player and a particular set of rules? Their computer or console? A billion lines of code? Zeros and ones on a hard drive?”