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Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

August 4th


We’re opening this week with four authors who are each concerned with how game narratives and worlds can be a little bit “extra” in their presentation or structure in the interest of more clearly articulating a connection back to the material world. This often involves the adoption of magical realist conventions, even in seemingly unlikely genres (military espionage, anyone?).

  • Unitary Urban Occultism – Spellcrafting the Revolution | RE:BIND Catherine Brinegar examines a game about dismantling capitalism, but as witch. Sign me up?
  • Death and Religion in Final Fantasy X – YouTube Alexandra Orlando examines the

September 1st

…experience, challenge, and sometimes usurp those stories. Presented here this week, then, are impressions from a brand new big-budget experience and reflections on a long-running actual play tabletop podcast.

  • The Fonts In Control Make Its World Feel Way Creepier | Kotaku Gita Jackson describes how Control spins discomfort out of the blandly, invisibly ordinary.
  • Uninterpretative: Hieron and its Consequences Bee Gabriel examines the critical, consequence-rich, deconstructionist, and ultimately gratifying approach to storytelling showcased by Friends at the Table.

“Tabletop roleplaying games are at their best when there is a dialectical tension between the GM

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

September 8th

…gathered here all delve into yesteryear’s titles to examine the structural and thematic successes and failures going on under the hood. One day I’ll be able to afford a copy of Crusader of Centy, surely.

  • World of Warcraft Classic’s community is all about kindness … mostly – Polygon Cass Marshall finds that Classic has managed to reinvigorate the game’s sense of community spirit after all these years.
  • Cute animal friends! Adorable derring-do! The casual slaughter of helpless innocents! – Kimimi The Game-Eating She-Monster Kimimi reexamines a 16-bit action RPG with some sophisticated thematic deconstruction going on beneath

October 20th

…Gibson explores a spooky indie endeavour with a bit of jank and a lot of heart.

  • Symphony of the Night vs BOOKS – Kimimi The Game-Eating She-Monster Kimimi delves deeply into the haphazard nomenclature of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night‘s extensive bestiary.
  • Symphony of the Night is famous for being a game all about those nice little touches and as such I thought it’d be fun to crudely mash together two of my favourite hobbies – videogames and weird old books – and cast a Spengler-like eye over some of Castlevania’s most horrifically beautiful pixelled beasts,…

    Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

    October 2019

    Welcome, readers, to the first edition of This Month In Videogame Vlogging. Yes, we’ve decided to give video-based criticism its own column (again), rather than include it in the weekly blogging roundup. This pivot-to-video will be happening monthly, subject to change. You probably worked both those things out from the title. But hi, hello. I’m looking forward to sharing this journey with you.

    Videos about video games are a formally diverse lot. Video essays, let’s plays, video reviews, roundtable discussions, documentaries, industry exposés, unclassifiable and misc – all of these are of interest to us, so long as

    November 24th

    There’s been a whole bunch of critical discussion around a particular point of lore in Death Stranding that misguidedly ties queer and especially ace identity to some kind of negative societal trend towards emotional distance. We begin this issue with two of the week’s finest examinations of this topic, and why getting representation right matters.

    • Death Stranding doesn’t know how to respect queer sexualities – Gayming Magazine Elizabeth Henges analyses a bit of troubling lore tying the Death Stranding event to an increase in queer sexualities.
    • “An Asexual World”: Asexuality in Death Stranding | The Asexual

    Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

    December 22nd

    …| Unwinnable Jeremy Signor takes the temperature of the state of MTG with the current pivot away from paper and towards Arena.

  • Kingdom Hearts 3 is the Best Direct to Video Sequel – Uppercut Caitlin Galiz-Rowe has. . . ah, shit, that’s a really, really good take. You don’t need a summary from me here. Just go read the damn article.
  • “Kingdom Hearts 3 is a Disney sequel. Of course, I mean this literally. It’s a sequel to the other KH games, which heavily feature Disney content, and often dive into side stories of those universes….

    Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

    January 5th

    …(especially as we march ever forward into bigger pores and better hair), the SHMUP genre seems uniquely focused on apocalyptic visions not easily created elsewhere.”

    Genre, Subgenre, Design

    Included here are three pieces that dig into different aspects of genre and design, identifying successes, failures, trends, and legacies.

    • Nightmare fuel for nightmare fuel – Kimimi The Game-Eating She-Monster Kimimi studies a title from From’s back catalogue which is equal parts dark, grueling, and completely, relentlessly fair in its difficulty.
    • The Walking Sim Is a Genuinely New Genre, And No One Fully Understands It –…

    January 12th

    …the analyses on display here in the following pair of articles really tug at both what’s stiflingly conventional and what’s refreshingly new in the application of this trope in a recent big titles.

    • Fallen Men | Unwinnable Yussef Cole examines Jedi: Fallen Order‘s fascination with maintaining the status quo, in terms of both its narrative structure and its casting.
    • The Sexiness Of Control | Kotaku Gita Jackson breaks down what makes Control work as an uncharacteristically hot power fantasy.

    “It helps that Jesse is confident and attractive, but I fixate on the way that

    March 29th

    Welcome back, readers. Hope everyone’s keeping safe.

    I’m spending a lot of time indoors out of necessity right now. I mean, as a Ph.D candidate studying games that may be a fairly unremarkable statement even in perfectly ordinary tines, but I’m at least used to varying the roofs I spend my time beneath. Lately, like many, my commute is now largely between the computer in one room and the console in the other. Makes me think I should have got Ring Fit Adventure or something before scarcity started driving up prices.

    A lot of authors lately are