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September 20th

…on the side from which they entered the field. There were the technologists, who were fascinated first and foremost with the inner workings of computers, and chose games as the most challenging, creatively satisfying type of software to which they could apply their talents. And then there were those who loved games themselves above all else, and learned to program computers strictly in order to make better, more exciting ones than could be implemented using only paper, cardboard, and the players’ imaginations.”

Play Communities Past and Present

Covering a wide span of time periods, four authors (Alexis…

July 18th

…I make something fun and satisfying out of something that simply isn’t very good”

  • Someone should make a game about: architectural salvage | Sin Vega imagines a game that locates the value in lost, recovered, repurposed made things.

“History might be only the percent of a percent that survived, but the bulk of human edifice is not truly gone. Even some of the grandest of ancient temples and monuments throughout the ages did not vanish, but were gradually broken down and used to shore up a house or tannery or boundary wall, their…

The Witcher 3

…there and brought it down via boats.’

The Witcher 3’s entire makeup consists of similarly detailed constructions. Wolves form packs and follow the scent of recently deceased animals, while villages have functional water sources and specifically engineered supply chains to maintain their upkeep — a piece of my own actually delved into this phenomenon with insights from quest designer Philipp Weber:

“Of course The Witcher is fantasy, so it doesn’t have to be fully realistic, but it always needed to be believable,” Weber said. “That’s why our level designers and environment artists did some amazing work…

October 2020

…order to ultimately succeed. (Autocaptions)

Relative Gods

These three pieces lightly touch on notions of godliness, spirituality and deification in different ways, but each is very worth your time.

  • ECHO: Self-Transcendence in Space – Pixel-A-Day (15:20)

    Kat discusses how boundaries and permutations of the self are refracted and questioned through the religious undertones of ECHO. (Manual captions) [spoilers]

  • Hades & The Gods (Story & Theme Discussion) – Super Bunnyhop (16:13)

    George Weidman uses Supergiant’s Hades to think about how adapting and reinterpreting has always been intrinsically part of the canon when it

November 2020

Welcome again, readers.

It is my last video column for the year, already, somehow – though of course not my last column about the year. This one’s going up a little early because I’m taking a holiday from tomorrow, unless something else happens to intervene between now and then – which, I mean, if there’s one thing 2020 has taught me, there’s always the chance that something might happen between *now* and *then*. But let me pre-emptively state that, no, I’m not intentionally going on holiday to get away from the much-marketed release of a certain videogame, or

February 28th

…Bad Dad and I Was Not Prepared | Paste Holly Green identifies a Dad Game of a different kind in Mario’s latest colourful romp.

“I feel sorry for this poor little Bowser Jr., terrified of his daddy’s anger problem, trying to navigate Bowser’s volatile mood swings, and asking Mario for help. While admittedly it is a problem that children, likely the target audience, would identify with, it’s also tragically one that they should not have to. What a depressing theme for a child’s game.”

Genre Play

Coming from a game studies background myself, I’ve

March 21st

…Devotion – Kimimi The Game-Eating She-Monster Kimimi dives headlong into Devotion‘s horror of the ordinary, of the emotional, of the personal.

“What makes Devotion’s horror so chillingly effective is how ordinary it is, how you come away at the end of it emotionally overwhelmed; justifiably angry, sad, disgusted, and filled with pity at once.”

Never Forgetti, Rest in Resetti

Welp. A year indoors, and a year since the release of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. In lieu of our mostly-regular Critical Chaser section, here are two standout retrospectives on how people built out their islands,

May 23rd

…depictions of police and police power in future worlds, here looking largely at Astral Chain and Mass Effect.

  • Los policías en los videojuegos: héroes virtuales o villanos reales | Shock Julián Ramírez narrates the history of playable police in games, from Police Quest to Astral Chain, finding that even amidst increasingly “grey” narratives detailing corruption, individualistic heroism is ultimately still leveraged to uncritically rehabilitate the image of police in most contemporary titles (Spanish-language article).
  • Mass Effect’s revival reminds us it’s time to abolish the space police | Polygon Yussef Cole draws upon the theory and literature of

October 10th

…Vita, and even exacerbated a pandemic’s toll on the world. It does not need defending.”


Words of advice from seasoned experts on writing and building, games and worlds.

  • Level Up Your Poetry: Video Games & Ekphrastic Verse | Sidequest Katherine Quevedo shares theory and practical advice for crafting videogame-inspired verse.
  • Mailbag: Macro to Micro Ideas – Emily Short’s Interactive Storytelling Emily Short offers detailed, descriptive, and densely-sourced advice on bringing project ideas into practical focus for writers and designers alike.

“Fundamentally, you want to create characters, story beats, and setting…

October 24th

…I Must Scream | The Digital Antiquarian Jimmy Maher tells the peculiar tale of a surreal sci-fi point-and-click horror game and a co-designer seemingly categorically opposed to the very medium.

“Having entered the meeting hoping only to secure the rights to Ellison’s short story, Pat Ketchum thus walked away having agreed to a full-fledged collaboration with the most choleric science-fiction writer in the world, a man destined to persist forevermore in referring to him simply as “the toad.” Whether this was a good or a bad outcome was very much up for debate.”

Identity Axes