This Month in Videogame Vlogging

June 2021


Welcome back, readers. Hello from Australia, where most of the country is back in lockdown. How are the rest of you doing? Something about a deadly heat dome? Apparently the Olympics are on? Okay. This Month In Videogame Vlogging highlights the most…

May 2021


Welcome back, readers. Gosh, this is a very late video-content roundup. It’s been one of those months. Sometimes these things get away from you (in this case ‘things’ meaning ‘watching vods about videogames’, and ‘you’ meaning ‘me’). My apologies. Hopefully this has…

April 2021


Welcome back, readers. April was a relatively quiet month for critical videos, which was frankly relieving after the madness of March. Still, there’s a lot here that I’m pleased to share with you. My boundless thanks, as always, for your many submissions…

March 2021


Welcome back, readers. I hope this finds you well. Here’s a grouping of resources for supporting protests against racist police violence. Happy twelfth birthday to Critical Distance for earlier this month. March brought us more excellent and creative videos, many of them…

February 2021


Welcome again, readers. On this edge of the world we’re entering the last warm days before torpor. My houseplant collection seems to be growing at an alarming rate, beyond my input or intention. Also, there were many fine video essays to watch…

January 2021


Welcome back, readers. I hope this roundup finds you well, wherever you are. This Month In Videogame Vlogging is a roundup featuring the best videogame criticism to be made using a video format from the previous calendar month.   Plague Time To…

February 7th


Welcome back, readers. To begin, I’d like to bring your attention once more this week to this call for submissions to a collected volume and archive of Black creators working in, on, and around games. This call runs until mid-March! Over at…

December 2020


Hello again, Readers. Well, here it is, the twelfth and final TMIVGV for 2020. This December was typically light in terms of concentrated critical content, given all the end of year retrospectives that had to be made, holidays taken etc – but…

November 2020


Welcome again, readers. It is my last video column for the year, already, somehow – though of course not my last column about the year. This one’s going up a little early because I’m taking a holiday from tomorrow, unless something else…

October 2020


Welcome back, readers. Are we all still here? *Exhales* Okay, good. Between the annually mandated pivot-to-horror and a lot of people otherwise having something just dang interesting to say, October’s been a bountiful month for essays about videogames on youtube. I watched…