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Episode 36 – The Hows and Whys of TWIVGB

…mainly in the This Week In Videogame Blogging feature.

Every person is different with what they curate and why, and so we felt it might be a good idea to introduce our newest Senior Curator’s views on the matter now that he’s settled into the role. We discuss what we’re looking for in TWIVGB entries, how standards of inclusion have risen over the years, the behind-the-scenes logistics, as well as touching on the other features Critical Distances publishes.

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Opening Theme: ‘Close’ by The Alpha Conspiracy

Closing Theme: ‘Wishing Never’ by The Alpha Conspiracy

Minisode 13 – Soundscape and Dreamscapes

The good, the bad and the ugly with the Critical Distance Confab.

For those who don’t know, the idea behind these minisodes is for myself and a co-host to highlight 3 games each. These are games that haven’t gotten a lot of criticism or much attention at all. The hope is that one of you intrepid listeners will try one of them out and write about it. The games on the docket range from art games, to prestige level indie games, right on up to AAA games that have slipped through the cracks.

Co-hosting with me

July 2016: ‘Spectacle’

…follow us!

  • As a knight of the round table we encourage you to leave a comment on a blog to which you respond with a link to the response piece and give the original writer a ‘right of reply’. Keep the conversation going!
  • If your work contains potentially disturbing content, please include a suitable warning at the start.
  • You can submit as many articles as you like throughout the month, and it doesn’t matter if they are commercially published, paywalled or available for free but we will need a transcript for paywalled content to be approved.
  • Episode 37 – Noah’s Crit

    Welcome back for another interview on the Critical Distance Confab!

    This month our guest is Noah Caldwell-Gervais, a video maker who is skilled at creating richly layered arguments. He started making long-form video essays on games in 2013 with a thorough look at the Fallout series. Since then he has been applying his critical lens in videos that examine an entire franchise, or games connected by a common theme. We talk about these advantages of his long form style, how he chooses games, and his plans to branch out into travel writing.

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    Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

    August 2016: ‘Bugs’

    …about bug pokemon or you’re unfortunately named best friend Bug who introduced you to Let’s Plays than bugs as glitches. That’s perfectly fine!

  • Submissions may come in the form of articles, videos, podcasts, or any other method of communication that can be freely distributed and accessed on the internet
  • Your tone can be as personal, creative, humorous, academic, or absurd in tone as you’d like
  • Newcomers and professional writers are equally welcome
  • We also have a fancy drop-down menu to keep track of submissions thus far:

    If your website supports iframes and

    Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

    Episode 38 – The Spawn of History

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    We are back with another interview on the Critical Distance Confab! This month we are joined by Bob Whitaker, associate professor in Modern History at Louisiana Tech University and founder of History Respawned.

    In 2013, he started the YouTube channel by looking at video games from a historical perspective. Not content to focus only on games portraying histories within his wheelhouse, he soon began bringing on other scholars to share their expert insights into the histories portrayed in games. In the process, he has brought their knowledge to a wider audience, beyond the confines

    Episode 39 – This is Innuendo Studios

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    Somewhat late, we present this month’s interview of the Critical Distance Confab! I interview Ian Danskin of the Innuendo Studios YouTube channel.

    In 2014, Ian Danskin made his first YouTube video about celebrity in internet culture: ‘This is Phil Fish, and what that means’. He expected to gain a few views from this first foray, merely hoping that he would build his audience over time. Things did not work out that way. ‘This is Phil Fish’ went viral, and is to date his most-viewed video by a wide margin. Since then, he’s mostly trekked

    Episode 40 – Games literary studies on Youtube

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    Continuing on with our series of video in video game criticism, this month, I have Sam Gronseth, the Game Professor of the YouTube channel Games as Literature, on to talk.

    Sam Gronseth taught a class to teach literary analysis using video games instead of novels or short stories for several charter schools. He then turned those lesson plans into a YouTube channel. His videos are filled with accessible explanations, from basic 101 concepts to understanding the deeper meaning of video games. In addition, he has created Literary Analysis videos that go in-depth on a

    Episode 41 – Every Game a Painting

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    We end this year of interviews with Mark Brown of Game Maker’s Toolkit.

    Mark Brown went a different direction with his video based video game criticism. Instead of interviews, opinion shows or holistic game examinations, he devoted his channel to the exploration of craftsmanship in video games. Devoting his energy to explaining a singular thing in each video, what it does and how it is accomplished. We discuss how he explores a game design concept, the use it has found in various different audiences, and where he hopes to take the channel into the