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Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

Check out Debbie Wu’s stream for the Critical Distance fundraiser

Debbie explores powerlessness in Dishonored 2 by hitting people with fish. I bet you’re wondering how that went! You can find out for yourself right here:

Watch live video from on

Remember to check out our fundraising campaign and share it with other people, to help us to reach our next goal of $1900/month. Hitting that goal will allow us to run regular roundups of critical let’s plays, as well as reintroducing a letters feature that puts critical writers in conversation with one another. Support us at $10/month to get a limited edition seasonal reward, including

Episode 42 – Great Levels, The Best Levels In Gaming

Direct Download

Our first interview of 2017 is with Great Levels in Gaming YouTube producer Max Barnyard.

Like our previous interviewee, Max Barnyard focuses his criticism on specific elements of video games; in this case, the construction and purpose of exemplary level design. But what is a level in a contemporary video game? We discuss that question, along with how he chooses what levels to showcase, his work with Achievement Hunter, and his penchant for puns.


Max Barnyard YouTube Channel

Great Levels in Gaming at Achievement Hunter

Great Levels in

Episode 43 – Think, Game, Love Direct Download In this episode, I interview the newly crowned Critical Distance 2016 Journalist of the Year, Heather Alexandra.

Each new interviewee seems to bring some new aspect to the video criticism form. Heather Alexandra instead of jumping straight into video essays, began with the longer form of Let’s Play, but with a critical bent. From there she continued to evolve her voice down two paths, the more structured video essay we are familiar with, and a more casual conversation format developed from the Let’s Play style. We discuss that two pronged approach as well as her freelance

Episode 44 – A Cagey Interview Direct Download This month I interview YouTuber Kevin John, also known as Cagey. YouTube essayist Cagey is a jolly old soul from Scotland. From writing at fan sites, he struck out on his own with his own YouTube channel. He has a skill for concise arguments, creating videos that are much shorter than many of the other creators we feature here. We discuss his worship of the temple of the red pen, ambiguous channel iconography and what he has learned during his time making videos.


Cagey Videos YouTube Channel

Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders…

Episode 45 – Documentary Delight Direct Download With this interview, we move away from YouTube and delve into independent film, to talk with Philip Jones, the director of the 2015 documentary Gaming in Color.

The documentary started with an intent to focus on the then-new Gaymer X convention. But as the original crew fell away due to lack of funding, Philip Jones and others picked up where they left off and expanded the scope of the film. With a focus on the intersection of the queer and gaming communities, the documentary seeks to answer the question of many outside observers, why is something

Episode 46 – Talking on Games Direct Download Freshly back from E3, YouTuber Hamish Black, the man behind the Writing on Games channel, sat down with me for this month’s interview.

Nearly two years ago exactly, Hamish Black took the plunge and began making critical YouTube videos. He began by tying the academic work he learned at university to video games. However, he soon found his formula a little restricting and began stretching beyond his original conception. At the time, he was ignorant of the larger community of in-depth critics and so was alone in building his channel. But as he continued plugging away,

Episode 47 – A Measured Response: Hbomb Direct Download I managed to snag critic, rhetorician and YouTube vaudevillian Harry Brewis, more commonly known as Hbomberguy for this month’s interview.

Mr. Hbomberguy is a bit of an odd duck with regards to YouTube games criticism. He first came to internet prominence through his videos of ridiculing internet dumbasses and that work forms a clear line regarding how he talks about video games. His earlier video game videos were far more conventional, while the videos he made afterwards are far more bizarre, funny and in line with the breaking down arguments and rhetoric displayed in those “measured

Episode 48 – The Critic and the Dragon Direct Download Joining me for this month’s interview is author of actual books and YouTube critic Joseph Anderson. Wanting to build up his online presence to attract a book agent, Joseph Anderson began creating YouTube videos to relieve himself of some “petty gripes” he had regarding the Dark Souls vs. Dark Souls 2 debate. He felt that a lot of what Dark Souls 2 was getting knocked on for was present in the original game. From there the channel grew to surpass his original occupation. We talk about the extreme amount of prep work — including multiple playthroughs —…

Minisode 14 – We’re Back Direct Download


After a year-long hiatus, the minisodes are back on the Critical Distance Confab.

In case you missed them the first time around, the idea behind these minisodes is for myself and a co-host to highlight some games that haven’t gotten a lot of criticism or much attention at all. The hope is that one of you intrepid listeners will try one of them out and write about it. The games on the docket range from art games, to prestige level indie games, right on up to AAA games that have slipped through the

Episode 49 – Heavy Eyed Direct Download This month on the Critical Distance Confab, all the way from New Zealand, is YouTuber Mitch Cramer.

Mitch Cramer, aka HeavyEyed, is a relatively new to the world of YouTube video game criticism. Starting off as a band manager, he moved away from that to put some video production skills to use. He started a channel and steadily plucked away at it until some attention came his way after one video spiked in viewers. We talk about his in depth criticism of the Star Fox games, the local video game development scene in New Zealand and