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Episode 33 – Game OverThinker

…we talk about his influences, his evolution in production, as well as his place in the landscape over the years, and how said landscape itself has changed regarding both the style and the culture of internet video.

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Game OverThinker Playlist


Game OverThinker V2


Game OverThinker V32: I Heart Bayonetta

GAME OVERTHINKER V45: AntiThinker – Mega Man

Bob Chipman Patreon

Opening Theme: ‘Close’ by The Alpha Conspiracy

Closing Theme: ‘Wishing Never’ by The Alpha Conspiracy

Minisode 10 – Abstract Aesthetics

More undiscussed games on the Critical Distance Confab.

For those who may not know, the purpose behind these minisodes is highlight some games, 3 a piece, that haven’t got a lot criticism or any criticism at all. The hope being that it will inspire some of you to go out, play them and write something about them. The games we highlight run the gamut from art games, through prestige level indie games, right on through AAA games that might have slipped through the cracks.

Co-hosting with me this month is critic, Heather Alexandra.


March 2016: ‘Choreography’

Hello readers from around the internet. It is time once again to introduce another edition of Blogs of the Round Table! It’s time to get up and move for this edition of BoRT, as we want to know how you see the influence of ‘Choreography’ in games:

How do human bodies in motion influence games? Is there something scripted about how we move together in our games or should games make us move around more? is choreography in games limited to fighting or are there other ways of moving just as interesting? How do party and music

Episode 34 – Chat with Matt

Welcome another interview here at Critical Distance!

This month we interview the host of Youtube show Matt Chat: English Professor at St. Cloud State University, Matt Barton. Matt Chat is a channel focused on older games, inspired by the books he published on the history of video games, Dungeons & Desktops and Vintage Games. As the episodes continued over the past 6 years, he has gone the extra mile getting the creators of these older games on for interviews, including gaming luminaries such as John Romero, Ralph Baer, Chris Avellone, Brian Fargo, Lord British and many many more.

Minisode 11 – Grab Bag of Games

A fistful of games on the Critical Distance Confab.

These minisodes highlight games that haven’t received a lot of critical attention, in the hope that one of you intrepid listeners will try one of them out and correct that oversight. The games we talk about range from art games, to prestige level indie games, right on through AAA games that might have slipped through the cracks.

Co-hosting with me this month is editor of CreativeFluff, Fred McCoy.

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Fred’s Picks

Salt by Lavaboots Studios

Choice of Robots by Choice of

April 2016: ‘Food’

…your own site:

<iframe type=”text/html” width=”600″ height=”20″ src=”″ frameborder=”0″></iframe>

With that, I turn it to you to cook up something special.

Please email us your submissions or tweet them to @thecybersteam or @critdistance with the #BoRT hashtag. Happy blogging!

Suggestions for the Round Table:

  • Blogs of the Round Table is not curated. If you write it, we’ll publish it, as long as it’s connected to the topic and has been written specially for BoRT or up to one month prior.
  • Think of the BoRT topic as a starting point and connecting your piece

Episode 35 – Camp’s Signal

Welcome to another interview on the Critical Distance Confab!

This month our guest is Chris Franklin, aka Campster, talking about his YouTube series Errant Signal. Over time, he has innovated on an established YouTube format to evolve his own personal style, featuring holistic close readings on games as well as video essays on theoretical concepts. He has also experimented with short form, quick-turnaround content, and he reveals what this experience taught him about criticism and video creation.

During our interview, we talk about his process, the technical challenges he faces in creating a video essay, as well

Minisode 12 – Not Dark Souls

Time for a few games more from the Critical Distance Confab.

The purpose of these minisodes is for two of us to highlight 3 games each. These are games that haven’t gotten a lot of criticism or any at all. The idea is that one of you listening right now will try one of them out and write about it. The games we talk about range from art games, to prestige level indie games, right on through AAA games that may not have tried.

Co-hosting with me this month is independent game critic, Nick Capozzoli.…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

May 2016: ‘Childhood’

…the Round Table:

  • Blogs of the Round Table is not curated. If you write it, we’ll publish it, as long as it’s connected to the topic and has been written specially for BoRT or up to one month prior.
  • Think of the BoRT topic as a starting point. Connecting your piece to the topic can be as creative as you want. We’re interested in writing about play, so be playful when you approach the round table!
  • This BoRT post is the home of the discussion: as we receive new submission blogs, we’ll update the ‘BoRT Linkomatic…

June 2016: ‘Parenthood’

…your own iframe, just copy-paste this piece of code onto your own site:

<iframe type=”text/html” width=”600″ height=”20″ src=”″ frameborder=”0″></iframe>

Good luck and happy blogging!

Please email us your submissions or tweet them to @thecybersteam or @critdistance with the #BoRT hashtag. Happy blogging!

Suggestions for the Round Table:

  • Blogs of the Round Table is not curated. If you write it, we’ll publish it, as long as it’s connected to the topic and has been written specially for BoRT or up to one month prior.
  • Think of the BoRT topic as a starting point. Connecting