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April 19th

…designed for people who don’t make gaming a huge part of their life.”

Social Play

Current events naturally have folks in game communities thinking through the social aspects of games and gaming along all kinds of axes, but it isn’t all about quarantines. Here are two of this week’s standouts.

  • Lego Star Wars, Fifteen Years Later – Haywire Magazine Porter Simmons looks back at the enduring affective appeal and co-op charm of playing Lego Star Wars with his brother.
  • The Games That Let Me Have an Imaginary Social Life – VICE Sarah Hagi describes…

Kentucky Route Zero

…interweaving histories and emotions into spaces also reflects the game’s indebtedness to mid-century stagecraft, such as Jo Mielziner’s 1949 production of Death of a Salesman. Mielziner designed a skeletal framework that sequestered spaces […] allegorizing the emotional and historical entrapment of protagonist Willy Loman as he suffers the burden of personal failure. The concrete and brick Bureau of Reclaimed Spaces [in KRZ] soars toward the stalactite-studded ceiling of the cathedral that encloses it, similarly coalescing the interior and exterior world. But while Death of a Salesman’s production focuses on individual economic entrapment, Kentucky Route Zero’s spatial ambiguity suggests how economic…

Sonic the Hedgehog

…of the first global releases for a video game between Japan, North America, and Europe. A business decision that resulted in game assets, including entire levels, lost or stolen as noted by Heidi Kemps at The Atlantic. Heather Alexandra at Kotaku: “It was the first real moment of clarity for a series that would go on to have an intense identity crisis.”

Sonic was always a fractured figure between America and Japan, and the same was true at the time of Sonic the Hedgehog 2. At the same time as Sonic 2 was being developed in the US, Sonic…

June 2021

…in her own journey of self-discovery. (Autocaptions)

  • Queer Fantasy | Finding Your True Self in Cyberspace – Transparency (49:57)

    Transparency think about how MMORPG spaces, mechanics, and communities (such as those of Final Fantasy XIV) can allow players to explore personal questions of gender and sexuality. (Manual captions)

  • Colonial Reckonings

    These next few videos are about games engaging with, critiquing, and sometimes enacting narratives of invasion and colonialism.

    • Umurangi Generation, Colonialism, UAPs, UFOs and Alien Invasion Stories – Super Bunnyhop (22:54)

      George Weidman takes Umurangi Generation’s representation of colonial apocalypse as a

    August 9th

    Welcome back, readers.

    First things first, here’s a list of national and local bail funds supporting anti-racial-injustice protesters across the US. Local support is just as important as, if not more so than, national support!

    Around the site, we’ve got a new Critical Compilation by Waverly, who is also featured in this week’s roundup. Gotta go fast!

    This Week in Videogame Blogging is a roundup highlighting the most important critical writing on games from the past seven days.


    Our opening section this week gathers three articles united by a common purpose of filling

    Alenda Y. Chang | Keywords in Play, Episode 13 Download “Keywords in Play” is an interview series about game research supported by Critical Distance and the Digital Games Research Association. This episode we speak with Alenda Y. Chang about games, ecology, literature, and environmental relations. Alenda is an Associate Professor in Film and Media Studies at UC Santa Barbara. With a multidisciplinary background in biology, literature, and film, she specializes in merging ecocritical theory with the analysis of contemporary media. Her writing has been featured in Ant Spider Bee, Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, Qui Parle, the Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds, and Ecozon@, and her…

    September 20th

    Welcome back, readers.

    It’s been a week, huh. Anyways, in the face of enough constant societal and political upheavals to give anybody whiplash and then motion sickness, I’m once again this week going to plug BlackGameDevs, a website and resource that collects information on Black creators who do all the things that go into making games. If you’re looking to hire new talent for your team, consider starting here.

    Lots of Content to mention around the site this week! First, our latest Critical Compilation is here, this time on Breath of the Wild with Autumn Wright. Second,

    October 11th

    …economy, and, well, that economy costs. Two writers this week explore how.

    • PERSONA (SOCIAL SIMULATOR?) – DEEP HELL Skeleton considers the social capital systems of the Persona series, and finds that far from being too gamey, they are rather all too bleak a simulacrum of real-world patterns of social exploitation.
    • The constant pressure to be productive in Persona 5 Royal | Diego Nicolás Arguello identifies a daily grind of a different kind, in Persona 5 and elsewhere.

    “There were many times when I really just wanted to hang out with a certain character,

    Malath Abbas | Keywords in Play, Episode 7 Download “Keywords in Play” is an interview series about game research supported by Critical Distance and the Digital Games Research Association.

    This episode we speak with Mal Abbas, an independent game designer, artist and producer working on experimental and meaningful games. Malath established Scotland’s first game collective and co-working space Biome Collective, a diverse, inclusive melting pot of technology, art and culture for people who want to create, collaborate and explore games, digital art and technology.

    Work includes Killbox, an online game and interactive installation that critically explores the nature of drone warfare, its complexities and consequences,

    October 2020

    …are too often needlessly conflated in contemporary games criticism. (Manual captions)

  • How Much Does Multiplayer Population Matter? – Raycevick (14:40)

    Raycevick reckons the bottom-line of player numbers does sometimes affects the player’s core experience of multiplayer games, but far less frequently than is decried by “game is dead” online commentators. (Autocaptions)

  • Scary Month is Real

    I didn’t get around to playing any horror games this Halloween, but I did enjoy watching a whole bunch of videos about them.

    • Unhaunted Houses | Static Canvas – Thomas Ife (8:25)

      Thomas Ife records four brief