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December 13th

…team. Every DM on every social media platform insisting that I give a company that crunches their employees’ bones into dust a chance just feels like the most desperate plea for attention.”

Welcome to the Cyberpunk Dystopia

There’s been a critical focus this week on just how long cyberpunk as a genre has been a thing. Along with that focus comes an examination on how things have changed since “MicroSoft” was sci-fi technobabble and a “megabyte” implied a theoretically ludicrous quantity of data, as well as how some things haven’t really changed at all. And of course…

January 3rd

…the negative echoes signalled by their absensce. They look alternately at virtual worlds, material worlds, and the liminal boundaries in-between.

  • Tom Nook, Capitalist or Comrade? | Loading… Emma Vossen searches out what is really going on in the online discourse that alternately lionizes or vilifies Animal Crossing’s Tom Nook, and finds that the true takeaway might be the game’s raw power to bring people together to discuss radical economic reform.
  • My Journey to Solitude: Loneliness and Virtual Fatigue in The Elder Scrolls — Gamers with Glasses Nathan Schmidt recounts the ways in which The Elder Scrolls games

January 24th

…roles of libraries and museums in rural communities as classrooms maps neatly onto how these spaces are depicted and experienced in Stardew Valley.

“Real-world museums and libraries often supplement formal education. They have classrooms, teaching resources, and educators. However, while some institutions play a growing role in their community, some are also losing staff and resources. This particularly true for rural libraries. The Stardew Valley Museum and Library can be seen as an example of this real-world dynamic, neatly encapsulated in video game form.”

Binary Space Partitioning

Queer critics were wary of Cyberpunk 2077

Announcing: The List Jam

…to explore with your entry

  • Make a response to it that takes the form of a list, from the most typical to most creative interpretation of what that means
  • If you are referencing existing texts, clearly credit them.
  • Share it on the jam page!
  • TIPS:

    • Explore critical essays and gaming related topics using Critical Distance’s search function
    • Contact me on Twitter if you have any further questions or concerns: @netgal_emi
    • HAVE FUN!

    As with the Bitsy Essay Jam we will also have discussions and sharing in the Critical Distance Discord.

    January 2021

    Pim argues that Paradise Killer succeeds in the rare task of getting the player to do things the hard way for their own satisfaction. (Manual captions)

  • Searching for Disco Elysium – Jacob Geller (23:54)

    Jacob Geller turns to Italo Calvino’s novella Invisible Cities to understand the different ways Disco Elysium allows the player to come to know its fictional city-setting, Reveschal. (Manual captions) [Contains embedded advertising]

  • Disco Elysium, Roleplaying Heaven – Curio (39:23)

    Eric Sophia observes how Disco Elysium’s nuanced roleplaying system reflects Harry’s social inaction back through the player’s choices. (Autocaptions)

  • The Pursuit

  • February 28th

    …read a lot over the years about the association between games and cinema. Our next two pieces update this framework with new critical interventions, reiterating that the comparison has never been a perfect one.

    • Rethinking Videogame’s Relationship to Cinema with the Forgotten Aconcagua | Paste Waverly proposes that the long and troubled relationship between games and cinema is less a matter of art and more a matter of business.
    • Forget movies – games have much more in common with theatre | Grace Curtis traces the parallels between games and live performance.

    “like a

    The List Jam Roundup

    This February, the annual games writing jam took the theme of Lists! I chose it for two reasons, first of all that it’s obviously been a hell of a year since the last writing jam, and I wanted to choose a theme or format that would allow people to easily scope their contributions as big or as small as they were comfortable working with. But secondly, I’ve noticed over the past few years that people have been getting increasingly meta and critical within the year end list period (Into The Spine’s massive guest list is a great example of

    March 7th

    …of isolation and “always online” fatigue.”

    Alternative Play

    We’ve got two fresh critical perspectives this week approaching Doom and Super Mario World from new angles, looking at how mods and hacks enhance out-of-focus elements and ideas that were there all along.

    • Sexual Glee and Doom | Medium Zsolt David makes the case, via Mauss, that Doom was horny well before the porn mods.
    • Unintended Behavior Embraces the Fun of Glitches | Jeremy Signor’s Games Initiative Jeremy Signor turns to the more experimental side of Kaizo with a romhack that lays bare Super Mario World‘s…

    Emilie Reed | Keywords in Play Podcast, Episode 2

    …to be as consistent or as sturdy as [laughs] they expect things to be when you put it in an actual gallery. So, so it let me be a lot more experimental. Since then I’ve also done, I’ve helped out with Pixels X Paper at the Babycastles Gallery, which was a really interesting exhibition. I kind of curated the flat games section of it, and then we also worked with Blake Andrews, who was the person who was working specifically with Babycastles and Ebeth who is someone from the Bitsy community and it was kind of representing both flat games…

    August 29th

    …a game might just not be for you—even if you were quite excited by the prospect of smooching a hot non-binary scythe.”

    Critical Chaser

    Returning readers may have noticed that we frequently sign off with poetry from Videodame. The explanation for this is that I enjoy the poetry from Videodame.

    • At Least the Music is Good in Purgatory | Videodame Rachel Tanner, NEO: The World Ends with You.

    “This city has always been loud, but all this noise is new.”


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