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September 4th

…does some solid analysis of Assassin’s Creed games’ relationships to society, systems and crowd psychology.

“[…] guards and allies are both entities above the system of crowds. So when you’re sending a group of allies to distract guards, you actually fully skip the interaction with the social layer and basically use a tool to directly disable the system protection layer. If there’s not a single civilian around, allies work just fine. But when you throw money, you actually disrupt the system itself. The crowd starts behaving in a socially unacceptable way, so the guards focus on them….

September 18th

…finally, a bit of tidying, because not everything will fit so neatly into the bins we have set out.

  • The unnameable essence: What makes a game Lovecraftian? | The AV Club Alexander Chatziioannou looks at which facets create the atmosphere of Lovecraft.
  • Deadly Premonitions director Swery becomes a Buddhist Monk. | Gamasutra Blogs Brandon Sheffield sits down to discuss the values of design, change, and religion with Swery.

Critical Distance’s round-ups, like this one, are built on the efforts of folks like yourself, dear reader. If you see any gaming works that speak to you…

Private: Building another wave of support

…monthly podcasts, and commission more critical compilations

$1900 a month: Launch a new series of podcast minisodes, bring back This Month in Let’s Plays, and relaunch the Critical Discourse letter series.

$3000 a month: Monthly short video on the critical trend of that month’s writing, and monthly roundup of games writing in languages other than English.

$5000 a month: Start commissioning short HTML5 critical design projects

Antique e-cards! Save an article from link rot, and get it sent to you and someone you care about as a unique e-card on 25th December.

What has been written about the first endless runners?

…the sense of discovery and surprise as simple a thing as sprinting across a changing landscape can create, never able to fill all the blanks in our internal maps but slowly coming to understand the threats that inhabit them.”

  • Don’t Stop: The Game That Conquered Smartphones – The New Yorker Simon Parkin put together a pretty comprehensive feature on early endless runner developers in June of 2013, which includes some notes on precursors.

“‘Two months after Canabalt’s release, I remembered an old DOS game. You had to fly a helicopter down a tunnel, avoiding…

November 6th

…of old penny arcades.

  • Book Review: John Sharp’s Works of Game | Game Studies Thought you were burned out on articles about whether games are art? Veli-Matti Karhulahti might reignite your interest, bringing out some novel questions about exactly what kind of art we believe we are looking for.
  • “It’s telling that Sharp doesn’t provide a single note about Terry Cavanagh in the book. Unquestionably some of the most revolutionary artgames in the contemporary indie circles, Cavanagh’s works hardly offer their players themes or meanings to reflect; instead, they rely on the kinesthetic discovery of patterns…

    Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

    November 13th

  • at Culture Digitally, we’re thinking about our scholarship in the harsh light of this week – Culture Digitally Scholars of technology and society respond to the news in reflection on what it means for the sort of work they do at Culture Digitally.
  • the state of the union | vextro leeroy lewin reflects on how engagement with videogames remains relevant as political beings in a traumatized world.
  • “failures only exist in the constraint of an opposite definition of success. in the dark shadows of massive failures contain the beautiful and incredible resiliency of human life.

    January 29th

    …Gamasutra: Felipe Pepe’s Blog – Research Resource: Gallery of 16,000+ RPG screenshots. Felipe Pepe has created a gallery of screenshots that you are allowed you use in your own work, so that you can discuss UI, plot, and design issues in CRPGs without spending a great deal of time creating your own screenshots.

  • I Love Astroneer For Its Optimism Nathan Grayson describes feeling increasingly confident in a world that nevertheless constantly threatens to suffocate you. Although it’s a written piece primarily, I think a lot is expressed here using well-chosen and carefully-framed screenshots, such as this one:
  • February 6th

    A lot of games critics worry, understandably, that their work can’t address the problems that people face in the real world. Others have already started the work of politically-engaged games criticism long ago. This week there are lots of examples of the fruit of those years of experience.

    Turn the world toward dystopia

    Let’s start by thinking about how criticism is done.

    • The Folly of Consumer Reviews | Game Bias Jed Pressgrove gives a brief overview of why he doesn’t write reviews.
    • The Founder: A Game About The Dark Side Of Silicon Valley |

    November-December Roundup: Illness

    …piece is a tight analysis of one of the games subtler mechanics that is as simple and essential to playing as it is to understanding it thematically and Hidalgo’s personal approach is an especially effective kind of criticism that I really enjoy reading in BoRT.

    Read it now

    Nick Tomko

    Far Cry 2 and Infecting the Player

    Nick Tomko on Hub Pages looks at the impact of illness in Far Cry 2. The shooter forces the player to constantly treat the symptoms of maleria, which not only makes the main character vulnerable in a way rarely

    TWIVGB style guide

    …main argument or highlight a particularly notable moment that might be away from the main thrust of the piece. Okay this is about 400 characters.

    Most h2 headings have an id tag

    This is a bit technical, so if you’re not familiar with HTML don’t worry about it Spoiler drawers are useful for multi-link content warnings The

    should be the same as one of the tags for the post – conversely, each post tag refers to one section in the roundup. We have a few that we’re using quite often in order to make…