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June 7th

Links updated July 1st 2017

Is it really that time of the week again already? I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the whole “passage of time” thing – surely it’s some sort of crazy conspiracy…

Much like this week’s announcement of Left 4 Dead 2 by Valve – which is apparently a crazy conspiracy to charge money for a videogame! No way! While this announcement wouldn’t be noteworthy on its own (Critical Distance ain’t about the previews and hype, y’all), it’s noteworthy because of the hyperbolic indignation brought out in some people who were expecting more

July 2nd

…for all involved.

  • The Unfulfilled Potential of Video Games – YouTube (video: accurate subtitles) Jon McIntosh tallies up the amount of combat present in games shown at E3.
  • The Violent Banality of E3 & the Need for Better – @tauriqmoosa – I Need Diverse Games Tauriq Moosa addresses the overwhelming prevalence of violence in AAA games by offering an alternative possibility for games.
  • “For me, a power fantasy isn’t a super buff, neckless soldier with giant guns: it’s the normal person who smartly, creatively and bravely finds ways to fight back against powerful systems designed…

    Episode 47 – A Measured Response: Hbomb Direct Download I managed to snag critic, rhetorician and YouTube vaudevillian Harry Brewis, more commonly known as Hbomberguy for this month’s interview.

    Mr. Hbomberguy is a bit of an odd duck with regards to YouTube games criticism. He first came to internet prominence through his videos of ridiculing internet dumbasses and that work forms a clear line regarding how he talks about video games. His earlier video game videos were far more conventional, while the videos he made afterwards are far more bizarre, funny and in line with the breaking down arguments and rhetoric displayed in those “measured

    Episode 49 – Heavy Eyed Direct Download This month on the Critical Distance Confab, all the way from New Zealand, is YouTuber Mitch Cramer.

    Mitch Cramer, aka HeavyEyed, is a relatively new to the world of YouTube video game criticism. Starting off as a band manager, he moved away from that to put some video production skills to use. He started a channel and steadily plucked away at it until some attention came his way after one video spiked in viewers. We talk about his in depth criticism of the Star Fox games, the local video game development scene in New Zealand and

    October 1st

    …A Better Video Game Controller Kirk Hamilton gives a thorough examination of the recent design trends in custom controllers, and interviews some of the people behind these niche products.

    “Video game controllers have actually followed a similar trajectory. Some specific goals are a little different—I don’t think most controller manufacturers are striving for musical-instrument-levels of complexity—but their big-picture approach is similar. Slowly but surely, game controllers add more buttons, each of which theoretically allows for more flexible and expressive play.”

    Instead of chaos

    Looking at the history of interactions in digital and physical spaces,

    Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

    November 2017: ‘Collapse’

    There is something about the tight nexus of holidays around this time of year that always feels a bit exhausting. Last month, we pondered the nature of Hospitality, a theme that’s also relevant with the festivities on the horizon. Though getting family together is hardly a reason to bemoan life, it can be hard to find time to have decompression days. This month has plenty of time for frantic energy, but also carries the burden of making sure to stay rested. Sometimes, folks don’t rest enough, and the logical end of overwork has plenty to consider. So whether it’s

    November 5th

    …overview of the kind of narrative pleasure that audiences get from a story about deeply disturbing psychological struggles, and how that has led to further creativity.

    “It’s a voyeuristic exercise in psychoanalysis, a vivisection of a girl’s fantasies in a desperate attempt to understand why she is so broken. “

    People at the bottom

    Two pieces on the portrayal of oppression in games challenge developers to take the subject matter seriously, rather than simply exploiting it for laughs or drama.

    • When I Visited South Park As A Trans Woman, The Joke Was…

    December 10th

    Two pieces put major game franchises in the context of the history of ideas stretching back to antiquity.

    • What Causes Total War: Warhammer 2 Daniel Motley looks at Warhammer 2 in relation to the history of philosophy about the nature of war, desire, and civilization.
    • The metaphysics of Dishonored | Andreas Inderwildi explores the syncretic origins of the Void in European religious and pagan traditions.

    “[T]he Void is a quintessentially postmodern place. Ambiguity, fluidity and a plurality of meaning is its only constant nature. And this is also why the Void finds

    January 7th

    …Photo Modes – Waypoint Dia Lacina theorises player agency and power in the practice of video game photography.

  • Kinect was amazing – in a museum • Christian Donlan observes that some technologies are better suited to installation art than home consumer electronics – but it’s impossible for corporations to keep a product alive if it doesn’t have a mass audience.
  • “Video games have historically been rather solitary things, and when you stick them in a museum they just sort of sit there and get a bit sad. Kinect, though, is all about being seen.”

    February 4th

    …up into something more palatable for contemporary audiences.”


    • Yoshi’s Halcyon Music | Game Score Fanfare – YouTube Game Score Fanfare looks at the use of orchestration and intertextual references in music written for Yoshi across different Mario games.
    • Harmonic Relationships in the Music of Disasterpeace – YouTube 8-bit music theory looks for narrative cues in chord progressions.


    Finally, two critics consider games that seem to be terribly self-aware about their own nature as texts.

    • The Virtual Frame | Gorogoa | Heterotopias Nicole Carpenter analyses Jason Roberts’ latest game…